PFN is a technology company that places high value on rapid delivery of advanced technologies. New technologies get applied for a wide variety of purposes as they get powerful and versatile. As a responsible developer of such technologies, we will follow the policies outlined below.
1. Transparency – Communicate right
We will disclose what the technology does, can do and cannot do as clearly as possible. We will faithfully explain how it works on academic papers, blogs, documents and other forms of publications for stakeholders with varying levels of expertise.
2. Risk-readiness – Fear right
We will consider all risks as much as our imagination can foresee in various real-world settings where the technology is applied. Some risks are not quantifiable or easy to foresee, and what’s acceptable in the social norm at one point can later be considered risks. New technologies always come with benefits and risks. We spare no effort in addressing such risks through dialogues with society.
3. Integrity – See what we don’t want to
When developing and applying new technologies, we may discover truths that are inconvenient to us. We will not look away from such truths and diligently address them.